FZ Nederland

Reinvent Yourself With Personal Knowledge Management

Knowledge management is a relatively new concept that has been introduced to aid knowledge workers, like procurement professionals become more efficient. Personal knowledge management systems (KMS) encompasses methods and tools that allow you to collect the information you need, organize it, store it and retrieve data that you have collected from your job, and also the capability to share your thoughts with anyone who may need the same.

The key to being productive is keeping all of your information together. You can access it whenever you need it, which means you don’t need to stop working on a task or undertaking. This will facilitate smooth workflows and less stress. There are elements which can assist you in creating this type of environment.


It is essential to keep learning in order to become a better knowledge worker. Continuously improving your knowledge and abilities is becoming more essential as new technology is developed. It is essential to take part in conferences and workshops, as well reading technical journals that pertain to your job field. Additionally, you must explore websites that offer classes in training.


Productivity isn’t dependent on how many tasks you can finish in a certain time period. It’s all about your creativity and output. It is possible to find solutions to improve your creativity by using tools and techniques that will help you develop your creative skills. For example you can use Google for “creative Tool Kit” or YouTube videos on how-to tutorials that show you innovative ways to do things.

Information Triage

With all the information that is accessible, it’s vital to be able to organize and prioritizing what you read. Otherwise, your mind may become overwhelmed by all this knowledge, much like an emergency medicine nurse could feel when faced with too many patients who are suffering from various degrees or severity of injuries. Being able to understand what cases require urgent attention will reduce time for all affected.


Networking doesn’t happen overnight. It is important to organize your network. Before meeting anyone new you meet, ask them questions regarding their knowledge. Take note of the responses. Make note of your notes in a spot that’s easy to access such as a spreadsheet or database that you can access on your phone or another device. It will be easier to recall who can tell you the information you need without having to remember where it was first introduced.


You must ensure you’ve got all the facts before making any decision. If you discover something you’ve learned which doesn’t make sense or isn’t understood, ask questions! Make sure to be specific with open-ended questions that allow the participants to expand on their answers without being pressured to provide only Yes/No answers. This will help avoid miscommunications in the future where one person has given more details than the others due to being not asked for it, leading them to thinking someone else understood the message better.


Communication skills are vital to efficiency. It is essential to get your message across quickly and efficiently, which means good speaking capabilities are needed along with writing skills or PowerPoint presentations to share information with other people effectively. This concept of a two-way road allows both sides to participate in the conversation to utilize their tools. Make sure to ask questions when needed to avoid miscommunications.

For more information, click Knowledge management is


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