FZ Nederland

What Do You Mean By Latency?

Latency is the amount of time it takes for your computer to respond to any action, for example, clicking on a link. While this will not affect the majority of users’ Spotify listening and streaming video, it could cause issues for gamers that use satellite internet. Satellite internet is able to work with more precision than wired connections. This can cause a slow gaming performance because of high rates of loss of data packets from long pings.

The term “latency” refers to the that passes between your input (in this instance an anchor) and the moment it is distributed to others. The delay can affect your responsiveness if you play online video games or view YouTube videos on the internet. This is because they aren’t always 100 percent accurate in their timing, because of their speed over fiber optics cables.

What is the cause of latency?

Gamers and End-users may experience delays in their games and end-users can experience. Your latency is affected by the distance between your PC and the server. Also, Wi-Fi strength or type can affect the speed. There are a variety of router/modem combinations accessible today. This doesn’t have the need to be difficult when you’re not sure at first. We’ll go over each step of the process in this article.


Latency, or the time it takes for information to travel from one spot within space to another. This is the distance your computer is from the server(s) which provide the information requested by your device. If the distance isn’t enough, then you’ll notice an increase in latency.

Propagation Delay

Propagation delay is a key element in determining the time it takes to browse on your computer or mobile device. It also influences other metrics like download speeds as well as upload speeds, and wireless connectivity.

Internet Connection Type

There’s a big difference between the latency of different internet connections. Cable, DSL and fiber have lower latency while satellite is more expensive due to its architecture structure that requires more physical space to transmit which means more wait times as well as increased buffering capabilities for websites that you need access to such as videos or audio files, etc.

What’s on a site?

Have you ever clicked on the link only to have to wait several minutes before it loaded? It’s because someone was trying to be too ambitious with their Angelfire page. Because they were glued to The Office memes all across it, it now takes longer to visit it each time.

Large files like HD videos and images demand that your browser download the entire collection. There will be latency due to the fact they could be hosted on an outside server.

For more information, click high latency


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