FZ Nederland

Taxi Booking Driver App Features And Benefit

It is essential to have a mobile solution to your business in order to remain competitive in the market. In the past couple of years, technology has changed rapidly. There are new technological advancements at every turn. That includes taxis. It is possible to distinguish yourself from others who are planning to launch their own model, despite the competition of lower-cost transport services like Uber or car rental companies with similar features and offer superior customer service.

There are a variety of taxi apps on the market. One kind, however, is specifically designed for established companies that are in need. It guarantees that clients can reserve their rides conveniently along with a growing client base, while aiding drivers in finding potential fares more quickly than they have ever.

Two apps were designed by the team responsible for development to cater to the needs of drivers and passengers. The apps are more customized for each of the participants, providing you with an an exclusive opportunity to get everything you need, without interruptions or distractions.

Need-to-have Driver App Features

The taxi industry is facing increasing competition. One of the most important aspects of keeping customers loyal is to ensure that drivers have easy access to their application. Driver-friendly features can help customers who are new or existing be more productive on the job without having to worry This will ensure better service.

Vehicle Tracking System (GPS).

Drivers prefer mobile apps that work well and are ideal for their work. A GPS tracking system is able to determine the exact location of a passenger. But, once they give their permission, it becomes much easier for those who require to find them at any moment.

Button for Availability

Drivers can now make use of their smartphones to signal they are open to any new requests or to pick up details. Drivers will be notified immediately when there is an order. They will then be able to find an alternative price or provide additional details, like their address.

Driver Dashboard

Drivers will now be able evaluate their overall performance versus other drivers and gain valuable statistics about their trips. You can also look over customer feedback from previous trips for any negative or positive comments that were left by riders before deciding if this is something they should improve upon to improve their performance in the future.

SMS and Email Alerts

Cabs will get important notifications from their passengers via text messages or email alerts. It is possible to respond to customers’ questions through an intuitive interface. This is great for both two parties.

Begin/End the Ride

The easiest way to locate the location you want to go is by using maps. This map will show you which drop-off or pickup points can be found that makes it much more convenient to all parties.

Accept/Decline Cab Requests

A person can make a request for transportation and receive an instant response. If the driver does not respond within 15-30 seconds of receiving the notification via the app, it indicates that there’s no vehicle within the vicinity that could be able to transport them.

For more information, click driver app


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